“Yuna, it’s late! Shall we call it a day?” Gordon finally gave up his midnight oil. Perhaps he was trying to keep up with her who seems non-stoppable at whatever she’s doing or up to. “Geez, she must learn to rest” he thought. “Oh? OK!” Yuna waited for awhile, still dilly-dally at Tribalwars’ world. She has been diligently recruiting troops for a few sitting accounts. Her mission is to get her team at par with the others. Her ambition is far too high I guess. Anyway she’s a Capricorn. Always on a higher ground! “After you please” he continued. But it is not like him waiting for her to sign out and she wondered. “Gordon, is there a matter?” After a short pause, he replied “Don’t cheat because I don’t want you to stay on after me”. I guess there was a growing concern on health matter.
“Alright, let’s go to the hot spring in New Zealand. I am tired and I guess we both are” I replied. Gordon was eager about it. Perhaps he has never thought of skin dipping in a hot spring. That would be fun for a change since almost every night we fight! fight! fight! You bring that weapons and I got these. We went on bla..bla..bla..about fighting against evil and monster. And at some days we had Mr Kamen Rider joining us in our battle. He is such a sport! “ Oh Yuna, don’t forget to bring along your weapon, I am bringing mine” Gordon reminded me. “Excuse me, whatever for?” me getting annoyed as I really wanted some peace and quiet. “What if there were aliens as we lounge by the hot spring?” he said. “I have here with me my dress sphere, remember?” (Because I am Yuna. I am who I am. Ever ready and steadfast! Hahahaha…..)
It was a beautiful morning, Gordon and I was just relaxing by the hot spring pool. The ambiance was marvelous. From the south, the Artic brings in the cold wind greeting the warmth of the hot spring forming a soft steam surrounding the area, it was so rejuvenating. “Aaah..luxury!” I said to myself. Suddenly there was a bi
g splash. Splashing and splashing! “What the…” before Gordon could finish his sentence and put on his glasses “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Hey! Hey!Hey! Stop it” he screamed. Someone or something was there. Until the steam from the spring cleared…we finally realized it was Karmen Rider. In his bright red cloak, wet, he was laughing and toying with Gordon. “Hey, you both are not going to leave me out, are ya?” as he snickered. “For goodness sake, Kamen, I was about to blow your nuts. Stop goofing around will ya” In my hands I have a pair of heavily-customized chrome AMT Hardballers, dubbed Silverballers. Got it from Agent 47 (Hitman).
The moral of the story “The more the merrier! Just join us la..you are never alone if you have best friends!”
“Alright, let’s go to the hot spring in New Zealand. I am tired and I guess we both are” I replied. Gordon was eager about it. Perhaps he has never thought of skin dipping in a hot spring. That would be fun for a change since almost every night we fight! fight! fight! You bring that weapons and I got these. We went on bla..bla..bla..about fighting against evil and monster. And at some days we had Mr Kamen Rider joining us in our battle. He is such a sport! “ Oh Yuna, don’t forget to bring along your weapon, I am bringing mine” Gordon reminded me. “Excuse me, whatever for?” me getting annoyed as I really wanted some peace and quiet. “What if there were aliens as we lounge by the hot spring?” he said. “I have here with me my dress sphere, remember?” (Because I am Yuna. I am who I am. Ever ready and steadfast! Hahahaha…..)
It was a beautiful morning, Gordon and I was just relaxing by the hot spring pool. The ambiance was marvelous. From the south, the Artic brings in the cold wind greeting the warmth of the hot spring forming a soft steam surrounding the area, it was so rejuvenating. “Aaah..luxury!” I said to myself. Suddenly there was a bi

The moral of the story “The more the merrier! Just join us la..you are never alone if you have best friends!”
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