"Gordon, take a look at this link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZItssJugxJk I like that bike so muchy!" I love to see Cloud (FF7) riding on his bike, Fenrir. I've been eyeing Fenrir since day one I saw The Advent Children's movie. And Cloud Strife , I have a 'Hot' crush on him. I can never lay off my eyes on him. He is such a cool dude...hahahaha...and I still wonder why Tifa Lockhart, with whom he has been living with could not get a grip on him. "Oh come on Tifa, don't acted like a mom to him. Just be with him and calm his restless soul". I'd give anything just to ride on Fenrir with Cloud. I'm already on cloud 9 (and daydreaming too)....huhuhuhu... "What about Fenrir?" Gordon was wondering as he is more familiar with the Masked Riders' motorbike. Can't blame him though, he has Mr Kamen Rider as his roomate. What else is new?
Cloud’s bike Fenrir has been given some unique design to it. Since Cloud’s sword composes of several smaller swords, Fenrir has incorporated “slots” inside the bike for his multi
ple piece sword. The bike opens up on either sides, releasing his weapons, or storing it inside when the weapons are not needed. Fenrir consists of two giant wheels and is black for the most part, except for the golden exhaust pipes extending to the end of the motorcycle. Cloud’s bike was also interestingly named as well. Fenrir, also referred to as Fenris, was a giant wolf creature in Norse mythology.

"I want a ride in Fenrir, you drive it, ok?" as I humbly seek his approval. "Ok, I'll borrow Mr Kamen Rider's motorbike, the Battle Hopper" Gordon misunderstood. Oh man...! "I meant Fenrir!" Hopefully he heard me right this time. So I illustrate that Fenrir is fully equipped with Cloud's weapons and it would be no problem if we were to acquire one when needed. "Ok, Fenrir it will be" said Gordon, just to
please his side-kick or perhaps he was darn too tired and would love to close his story for the day. "Ok, goodnight and sweet dream!" we bid goodbyes......

The moral of the story..."Do not argue with a lady or you'll never go to sleep peacefully!" ..hahahaha...